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Contributor Meetings

TODS Q3 2024 Development Cycle

Meeting Date Agenda Minutes Video
Q3 2024 Development Priorities 23 Jul 2024 Agenda Minutes Video

TODS 2.0

Meeting Date Description
Working Group Meeting #1
7 Feb 2024 Review of proposed spec changes for ODS v2.0.
Working Group Meeting #2
27 Feb 2024 Finalizing structure of “GTFS-supplemental” approach for ODS v2.0.
Working Group Meeting #3
4 Apr 2024 Review of and feedback on Run Events proposal; decide next steps on “GTFS-supplemental” proposal.

TODS 1.0

Meeting Date Description
Working Group Meeting #1 20 Jul 2021 Confirmation of need.
Stakeholder Scoping Meetings Aug 2021 Individual meetings with stakeholders to get detailed needs and scoping input.
Working Group Meeting #2 Aug 2021 Scope confirmation and process confirmation for spec development.
Working Group Meeting #3 28 Sep 2021 Personnel Proposal
Meeting #3 notes
Working Group Meeting #4 19 Oct 2021 Facilities Proposal
Meeting #4 video
Working Group Meeting #5 16 Nov 2021 Runcutting, Layovers, + Deadheads Proposal
Working Group Meeting #6 21 Dec 2021 Adoption of v1 framework
Meeting #6 video
Working Group Meeting #7 22 Feb 2022 Discussion of Upcoming Implementation Steps
Meeting #7 video
Working Group Meeting #8 3 May 2022 Reconsideration of v1 framework and adoption of 1.0.0
Meeting #8 video