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The Transit Operational Data Standard was last updated on April 3, 2024 (v2.0 DRAFT). View the full revision history.

Dataset Files


There are two types of files used in the TODS standard:

  • Supplement files, used to add, modify, and delete information from public GTFS files to model the operational service for internal purposes (with a _supplement filename suffix).
  • TODS-Specific files, used to model operational elements not currently defined in the GTFS standard.


File Name Type Description
trips_supplement.txt Supplement Supplements and modifies GTFS trips.txt with deadheads and other non-public trip information.
stops_supplement.txt Supplement Supplements and modifies GTFS stops.txt with internal stop locations, waypoints, and other non-public stop information.
stop_times_supplement.txt Supplement Supplements and modifies GTFS stop_times.txt with non-public times at which trips stop at locations, stop_times entries for non-public trips, and related information.
routes_supplement.txt Supplement Supplements and modifies GTFS routes.txt with internal route identifiers and other non-public route identification.
runs_pieces.txt TODS-Specific Defines daily personnel schedules within a feed.
run_events.txt TODS-Specific Defines other scheduled activities to be performed by a member of personnel during a run.

The use of the Supplement standard to modify other GTFS files is not yet formally adopted into the specification and remains subject to change. Other files may be formally adopted in the future.

Supplement Files


The fields in all Supplement files match those defined in the corresponding file’s GTFS specification.

The overall premise is to update and add data to GTFS, which is accomplished by either updating matching values or adding rows entirely.

Each entry in a Supplement file is paired with its matching entry in the corresponding GTFS file using the GTFS file’s Primary Key, i.e. the fields that uniquely identify the row. If no match is found, the Supplement file’s entry is added to the GTFS file in its entirety.

The standard also supports the removal of rows in their entirety.


Each row in a Supplement file shall be evaluated as follows:

  1. If the row’s Primary Key is defined in the corresponding GTFS file, and the TODS_delete field is defined and equal to 1, remove the corresponding row from the GTFS file.
  2. If the row’s Primary Key is defined in the corresponding GTFS file, and the TODS_delete field is not defined or not equal to 1, set or update any fields with defined values in the Supplement file to those values in the corresponding GTFS file.
  3. If the row’s Primary Key is NOT defined in the corresponding GTFS file, add the row to the corresponding GTFS file.

In other words, where a Primary Key matches, the row is either removed or any non-empty values in the row are used to update the corresponding GTFS values. Where a Primary Key match does not exist, the entire row is added.


GTFS stops.txt:

1,One,Unmodified in TODS,
2,Two,Deleted in TODS,
3,Three,Will be modified in TODS,

TODS stops_supplement.txt:

3,,Has been modified by TODS,
4,Four,New in TODS,

Effective stops.txt after merging the supplement file:

1,One,Unmodified in TODS,
3,Three,Has been modified by TODS,
4,Four,New in TODS,

Note that the station name “Three” was not modified, and the whole column stop_url was omitted and not modified.

Implications and Guidance

  • As blank fields are ignored, data to be removed should either be overwritten with a new value or have their entire row deleted using the TODS_delete field.
  • As processing of files is non-sequential, it is prohibited to both delete and re-add a row with identical Primary Keys in the same Supplement file.
  • If a row contains defined values besides the Primary Key and a TODS_delete value of 1, the row shall be removed and other values in that row will be ignored.
  • When adding rows and updating values, be certain to ensure the values are being updated based on their column values (e.g. if GTFS has fields of trip_id,route_id,trip_short_name and the TODS Supplement file has fields of trip_id,trip_short_name, be certain that values are mapping to the correct fields without assuming column headers are identical).
  • When deleting a row in a file, any references to that field/value shall be ignored. Thus, it is important to ensure references to that row are either redefined or are being intentionally omitted. For example:
    • When deleting a trip via trips_supplement.txt, all of that trip’s entires in stop_times.txt will not be associated with a valid trip and would thus be ignored.
    • When deleting a route via routes_supplement.txt, all trips using that route would not be associated with a valid route and would thus be ignored UNLESS the route_id on the affected trips is updated via the trips_supplement.txt file.
  • After modifying static GTFS content to incorporate the TODS Supplement modifications, the resulting data (“TODS-Supplemented GTFS”) should form a valid GTFS dataset, with the limited exception of missing data that should be ignored per the above.

TODS-Specific Fields

In addition to the fields defined in GTFS, specific fields for use within TODS are denoted by a TODS_ field prefix.

File Field Name Type Required Description
Any Supplement file TODS_delete Enum Optional (blank) - Update other fields; do not delete.
1 - Deletes the GTFS row in the corresponding file whose Primary Key matches the value in the Supplement file’s row.
trips_supplement.txt TODS_trip_type Text Optional Defines the type of the trip if distinct from a standard revenue trip.
stops_supplement.txt TODS_location_type Text Optional Defines the type of the location if distinct from a standard GTFS location type. Where defined, the GTFS location_type shall be ignored.

TODS-Specific File Definitions


Field Name Type Required Description
run_id ID Required Identifies a run.
piece_id ID Required Identifies the piece of the run. The piece_id field must be unique.
start_type Enum Required Indicates whether the piece begins with a deadhead, a revenue trip, or an event.

0 - Deadhead
1 - Trip
2 - Event
start_trip_id ID referencing deadheads.deadhead_id or trips.trip_id Required Identifies the deadhead or trip with which the piece begins.
start_trip_position Non-negative Integer referencing deadhead_times.location_sequence or stop_times.stop_sequence Optional Identifies the first operational location or stop to be serviced in the first trip of the piece. This field should only be filled out if the piece does not begin at the first stop of the start trip.
end_type Enum Required Indicates whether the piece ends with a deadhead, a revenue trip, or an event.

0 - Deadhead
1 - Trip
2 - Event
end_trip_id ID referencing deadheads.deadhead_id or trips.trip_id Required Identifies the deadhead or trip with which the piece ends.
end_trip_position Non-negative Integer referencing deadhead_times.location_sequence or stop_times.stop_sequence Optional Identifies the last operational location or stop to be serviced in the last trip of the piece. This field should only be filled out if the piece does not end at the last stop of the end trip.


Field Name Type Required Description
run_event_id ID Required Identifies a run event.
piece_id ID referencing runs_pieces.piece_id Required Identifies the piece during which the run event takes place.
event_type Enum Required Indicates which event is scheduled in this entry.

0 - Report Time
1 - Pre-Trip Activity
2 - Post-Trip Activity
3 - Fueling
4 - Break
5 - Availability
6 - Activity
7 - Other
event_name String Optional The name for the event that is being used.
event_time Time Required The time at which the event begins.
event_duration Non-negative Integer Required The scheduled duration of the event from the event_time in seconds.
event_from_location_type Enum Optional Indicates whether the event is scheduled to begin at an operational location or a stop.

0 - Operational Location
1 - Stop
event_from_location_id ID referencing ops_locations.ops_location_id or stops.stop_id Optional Identifies the operational location or stop at which the event is scheduled to begin.
event_to_location_type Enum Optional Indicates whether the event is scheduled to end at an operational location or a stop.

0 - Operational Location
1 - Stop
event_to_location_id ID referencing ops_locations.ops_location_id or stops.stop_id Optional Identifies the operational location or stop at which the event is scheduled to end.